Specificity/ Selectivity
Specificity is the ability to assess unequivocally the analyte in the pretence of components which may be expected to be present. Typically these might include impurities, degradants, matrix, ect.
Lack of specificity of an individual analytical procedure may be compensated by other supporting analytical procedure(s).
This definition has the following implications:
Identification: to ensure the identity of an analyte
Purity tests: to ensure that all analytical procedures performed allows an accurate statement of the content of the impurities of an analyte, i.e. related substances test, heavy metals, residual solvents content, ect.
纯度检测: 为了确保所做的所有的分析方法可以对分析物中杂质的含量有准确的陈述,如有关物质检测,重金属,残留溶剂,等。
Assay(content or potency)
To provide an exact result which allows an accurate statement on the content or potency of the analyte in a sample.
An investigation of specificity should be conducted during the validation of identification tests, the determination of impurities and the assay. The procedures used to demonstrate specificity will depend on the intended objective of the analytical procedure.
It is not always possible to demonstrate that an analytical procedure is specific for a particular analyte (complete discrimination). In this case a combination of two or more analytical procedures is recommended to achieve the necessary level of discrimination.
1.1. Identification
Suitable identification tests should be able to discriminate between compounds of closely related structures which are likely to be present. The discrimination of a procedure may be confirmed by obtaining positive results (perhaps by comparison with a known reference material) from samples containing the analyte, coupled with negative results from samples which do not contain the analyte. In addition, the identification test may be applied to materials structurally similar to or closely related to the analyte to confirm that a positive response is not obtained. The choice of such potentially interfering materials should be based on sound scientific judgement with a consideration of the interferences that could occur.
1.2. Assay and Impurity Test(s)
For chromatographic procedures, representative chromatograms should be used to demonstrate specificity and individual components should be appropriately labelled. Similar considerations should be given to other separation techniques.
Critical separations in chromatography should be investigated at an appropriate level. For critical separations, specificity can be demonstrated by the resolution of the two components which elute closest to each other.
In cases where a non-specific assay is used, other supporting analytical procedures should be used to demonstrate overall specificity. For example, where a titration is adopted to assay the drug substance for release, the combination of the assay and a suitable test for impurities can be used.
The approach is similar for both assay and impurity tests:
1.2.1 Impurities are available
For the assay , this should involve demonstration of the discrimination of the analyte in the presence of impurities and/or excipients; practically, this can be done by spiking pure substances (drug substance or drug product) with appropriate levels of impurities and/or excipients and demonstrating that the assay result is unaffected by the presence of these materials (by comparison with the assay result obtained on unspiked samples).
For the impurity test, the discrimination may be established by spiking drug substance or drug product with appropriate levels of impurities and demonstrating the separation of these impurities individually and/or from other components in the sample matrix.
1.2.2 Impurities are not available
If impurity or degradation product standards are unavailable, specificity may be demonstrated by comparing the test results of samples containing impurities or degradation products to a second well-characterized procedure e.g.: pharmacopoeial method or other validated analytical procedure (independent procedure). As appropriate, this should include samples stored under relevant stress conditions: light, heat, humidity, acid/base hydrolysis and oxidation.
- for the assay, the two results should be compared;
- for the impurity tests, the impurity profiles should be compared. Peak purity tests may be useful to show that the analyte chromatographic peak is not attributable to more than on
FDA reviewer guidance -- Validation of analytical procedure
The analyte should have no interference from other extraneous components and be well resolved from them. A representative HPL chromatogram or pro
For the drug substance or raw material, the related substances to consider are process impurities (which include isomeric impurities) from the synthesis process, residual pesticides, solvents, and other extraneous components from extracts of natural origin.
For the drug product, the related substances may be impurities present in the active drug, degradation products, interaction of the active drug with excipients, extraneous components, e.g., residual solvents from the excipients or manufacturing process, leachables or extractables from the container and closure system or from the manufacturing process. Submission of da
对于原料药或原辅料,待考虑的有关物质是来自合成工艺的工艺杂质(包括异构体杂质),残留的杀虫剂,溶剂,和其它的天然提取的无关组分。对于制剂,有关物质可能是存在于原料药中的杂质,降解物,原料药和赋形剂的相互作用,外源物质,如赋形剂中的残留溶剂,工艺中的残留溶剂,包装材料或工艺的滤取物,提取物。建议递交强降解原料药的数据,强降解条件应根据指南“Guideline for Submitting Samples and Analytical Da
Points to note are as follows:
1. The parent peak may be expanded, e.g., by increasing the concentration, attenuation change, so that extraneous peaks can be observed at a reasonable size to evaluate stability-indicating capability. See comments in section IV.B under Limits of Detection/Quantitation.
2. The baseline should be on-scale as off-scale baseline (observed as a flat straight line) can hide minor peaks. Peak purity can be determined by the photo-diode array detector. Low level extraneous components present under the compound of interest, however, may not interfere or influence the UV spectrum of the analyte. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the combination of UV spectroscopy and HPL chromatography by photo-diode array detection using (a) 3-dimensional plot and (b) conventional HPL chromatogram. The analyte elutes at 4.7 minutes. It should be noted that the quality of the UV spectra for the low level components is poor.
When stressed samples are used, an appropriate detector/integrator setting should be selected. For example, to be able to detect low levels, e.g., 0.1% degradation products, the parent peak should be of a size that at least a 0.1% detectability or area count is feasible.
Representative HPL chromatograms should be submitted for stressed and non-stressed samples that include impurities test method, preservative(s), etc. with the related placebo sample. Representative HPL chromatogram(s) to show selectivity by the addition of known extraneous compounds also should be submitted.