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2008-08-05 15:10:06|  分类: DMF |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Material Controls


Starting materials


Definition of starting material


What constitutes the "starting material" may not always be obvious. For example, if a manufacturer carries out a simple final procedure, e.g., the esterification of a carboxylic acid, to yield the drug substance, he may consider the acid as the starting material. However, the full synthesis of this acid may well be, and frequently is, quite lengthy and/or difficult; the acid is thus not the actual starting material. Without reporting the full synthesis of this acid from the actual starting material(s), the manufacturer has not adequately described the synthetic process for evaluation by FDA. The complete synthesis from the actual starting material(s) should be submitted.


While a definition of starting material applicable to all situations cannot be given, the following criteria for defining a starting material may be helpful:


(a) It is incorporated into the new drug substance as an important

structural element.


(b) It is commercially available.


(c) It is a compound whose name, chemical structure, chemical and physical characteristics and properties, and impurity profile are well defined in the chemical literature (see Glossary).


(d) It is obtained by commonly known procedures (this applies principally to starting materials extracted from plants and animals, and to semisynthetic antibiotics).


Frequently, the starting material will meet several of these criteria. If it does not meet any, it is probably not the starting material. When an applicant wishes to use a starting material that is not commercially available, the material should meet criterion (c). In

addition, for material that is not commercially available, it may be necessary to carry out more testing for impurities than would be needed for a commercially available product.


The starting material may be the subject of a DMF (e.g., some starting materials for semisynthetic antibiotics). When the starting material is itself a drug substance, the synthesis of this material should be provided either in full or by authorized reference to an NDA or DMF. Generally the decision about what is the starting material has been reached by agreement between the applicant and the FDA chemist before submission of the NDA (e.g., during an IND End-of Phase 2 meeting, or pre-NDA meeting).


Control procedures for starting materials


Starting materials should be listed. Acceptance specifications and tests defining identity, quality, and purity should be provided. The analytical test methods should be briefly described. The source of the starting material need not be identified, but may be requested.


A specific identity test should be performed, as well as an assay, with limits for impurities. In those cases where impurities (e.g., positional isomers of aromatic compounds) could be carried through to the drug substance, a purity profile should be provided (e.g., chromatography with quantitation/identification of impurities). Assurances or statements of quality from the supplier are acceptable for the profile, provided that the manufacturer establishes the reliability of the supplier's analyses through validation, initially and at appropriate intervals. These statements from suppliers should include specifications and results and should indicate the type of method used for analyses.



Reagents, solvents, and auxiliary materials controls


These chemicals should also be listed. The specifications and test methods for each such material should be stated, and/or a statement of quality provided. The applicant should describe the specific identity test performed (unless omitting such a test has been otherwise justified, e.g., because of hazard). The extent of additional testing performed – whether by the supplier or by the applicant -- should be based on the role of the chemical in the synthesis. For example: a base (e.g., sodium hydroxide) used to neutralize excess acid in a synthetic reaction mixture would not normally require extensive purity testing; in contrast, an optically active organic acid used in a resolution step (e.g., one enantiomer of dibenzoyltartaric acid) would require such additional testing.


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